عنوان الوظيفة

طلب عرض خدمات هندسية

تاريخ الوظيفة

تفاصيل الوظيفة

“Park Design Planning and Supervision by Engineering Company”

‎ Quotation Number: PV-JYAC-SER-056


Date of publishing: Thursday, 24 – December -2020‎ and we will send the RFP documents for all on Monday 28- December – 2020.

Quotation delivery date until: Monday, 11 – January -2021 (16:00)‎ 

 Project name: East ‎Jerusalem Youth: Agents of Change

This project is implemented by Palestinian vision in partnership with Dan Church Aid / Norwegian Church Aid, YMCA, Masar Ibrahim El Khalil, and Afkar and co-funded by the European Union.

Palvision is seeking a qualified design consultancy firm/s that possesses strong practical experiences in project design, particularly designs of various public parks’ elements, to undertake the responsibility for providing:

Conceptual designs, detailed design, working drawing and tender documents of Recreational Park and providing detailed working drawings and tenders documents and supervision for the infrastructure work of the park.

Qualified service providers are encouraged to participate in this competition by requesting a FREE softcopy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) bid documents by contacting the e-mail; (info@palvision.ps and mays@palvision.ps ), starting from 24-December-2020 to 28December 2020

The offers could be submitted by hand to the Palestinian Vision at the addressed indicated below or as a scanned signed copies by e-mail to (info@palvision.ps and mays@palvision.ps), no later than Monday, 11-January -2021 (16:00).

  • The Palestinian Vision organization Address referred to above is –
  • Palestinian Vision organization located at Jerusalem, Al Rasheed Street, Chamber of Commerce building, 5th floor, Tel: 02 6285080
  • Palestinian Vision organization located at Bethlehem, Main Street Jerusalem Hebron Street, Al Qasem Building,  Tel: 02 2760222
  • Palestinian Vision organization located at Al Bireh, Al Balou, Al Amal Tower, First floor, Tel: 02 242 1270


  • All prices in EURO and exclude VAT, as the project is VAT-Exempted. Awarded Bidder will be required to provide Zero-VAT invoices upon final delivery of all services required.
  • The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in EUR.
  • Late and/or incomplete submissions will be rejected.
  • Delivery of all services shall not exceed the date mentioned in Request for Proposal.

For any Question or Clarification, please direct your inquiries by email to info@palvision.ps and mays@palvision.ps  OR by telephone 02-6285080‎.

اضف تعليقا

قدم للوظيفة

شارك مع اصدقائك

الوظائف ذات الصلة

مؤسسة الرؤيا الفلسطينية تحاور د.أيناس عطاري وزيرة العمل الفلسطينية ضمن مشروع “عتاد” في إطار حملة ” أدوات واﻟﯿﺎت اﻟﺮﻗﺎﺑﺔ ﻟﻤﺘﺎﺑﻌﺔ ﺗﺪﻧﻲ اﻷﺟﻮر ﻟﻠﻨﺴﺎء اﻟﻌﺎﻣﻼت ﻓﻲ رﯾﺎض اﻷطﻔﺎل”

نظمت مؤسسة الرؤيا الفلسطينية لقاءً حواريًا ضمن مشروع “عتاد” الممول من الممثلية الفنلندية، بحضور معالي


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