Palvision News & Activites

Finalizing Life Skills Training and Initiating the Technical Skills Part under Jusoor Project

PalVision, in partnership with Finance for Jobs for Consulting Services (F4J-CS), and in cooperation with the Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry, finished life skills trainings and started technical skills trainings within “Jusoor” project, which aims to provide sustainable job opportunities for Palestinian youth, both male and female, by raising their life and practical competence by providing them with a set of training and skills that will mainly contribute to increasing their capabilities and matching them with the requirements of the Palestinian labor market. These trainings are part of a series of activities and trainings that end with the direct employment of young people in the Palestinian labor market. Up to the present time, the Palestinian Vision Organization, within “Jusour” project, has trained 100 Palestinian youth and employed 60 of them.

“Jusoor” is supported by Finance for Jobs Consulting Services, which implements the Development Impact Bond Program for youth employment in Palestine, and is funded by four investors: the Palestinian Investment Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Dutch Development Bank, and the Chilean-Palestinian Investment Fund (Olive Seeds). Notably, the World Bank finances the sustainable employment results expected to be achieved through these bonds, paid upon success through the “Finance for Job Creation (F4J)” project, implemented by the Development Alternatives Company (DAI) for the Palestinian Ministry of Finance.





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