Projects & Programs


It was an interactive multimedia online platform, implemented by PalVision in partnership with Deutsche Welle Academy in Germany. The website was launched in early 2015. The platform was administered by 15 media students and journalists (18-25 years old) from Jerusalem using modern journalistic tools to monitor and cover the most important issues, encourage citizen’s journalism with the highest degrees of accuracy. The second year of the project included various workshops about radio writing, in order to ensure the fulfilment of another goal of the project: the creation of an internet radio channel, in addition to the implementation of a marketing strategy to ensure that income is generated to cover the running costs of the radio.

This platform hosts short texts, pictures, audio files, and videos in Arabic, in accordance with the professional skills of the core team. The project targets Jerusalemite youth, and addresses various important topics of concern to Jerusalemite youth, including conflict, new trends, traditions, unconventional perceptions, and controversial issues. The website included audio, print, and visual material about the political, social, economic, and cultural situation in Jerusalem; produced by the participants themselves.

For more information, visit the website of the project:

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