Projects & Programs


Through Tadafor we support Palestinians in East Jerusalem to mitigate the social, economic and health impacts of COVID-19. This includes distribution of food parcels, hygiene, and sanitation kits to the most vulnerable families. To enhance protection of children and women, we are providing them with psychosocial support and legal services. Economic development is achieved through capacity building and financing of young entrepreneurs, freelancers, and micro-businesses. Civil society organizations are being supported, enabling them to strengthen their community response efforts. An awareness raising and advocacy campaign is bringing together youth and civil society to collectively call for their basic rights. This project is implemented in partnership with the Ma’an Development Center, the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture, and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society and is funded by the European Union.

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Palvision, in collaboration with the Rozana Association, the Jerusalem Tourism Cluster, and Youth Without Borders,


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