Projects & Programs

Youth for Resilience

Youth For Resilience is a project aimed at bringing together Palestinian youth from various locations by establishing a space for communication and collaboration through learning and cross-border community work. The project targets Palestinian youth as well as others from Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon. It seeks to promote concepts of unified self and national identity, increase communication and awareness of opportunities and challenges facing youth in general, and Palestinians in particular. 

Within the project, a series of training sessions and intellectual workshops for youth are organized, including team building, communication methods especially in electronic media, weekly meetings, and dialogues on personal, national, and societal issues. In addition, the project involves designing, leading, and implementing campaigns and initiatives within groups from project work areas, where each team will execute a community initiative that addresses the needs of youth and the community. 

The project is implemented in partnership with the American Friends Service Committee – Quaker Foundation. 

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