Palvision News & Activites

Learning Through Art: Musical Instrument Crafting Workshop in the “Salalem” Project

In an atmosphere of hope and positive energy, the Palestinian Vision Organization hosted an exceptional craft workshop that combined art, craftsmanship, and human connection. The workshop brought together a group of support teachers involved in the “Salalem” project in collaboration with Save the Children.

Led by the team from Aref Al-Sayed Center for Musical Instrument Making, the workshop aimed to promote teamwork, strengthen relationships, provide a safe space for teachers to unwind, and link the process of crafting musical instruments to innovative teaching methods.

The metaphor of instrument-making was used to reflect learning dynamics, especially for students with learning difficulties. This approach helped teachers understand how creativity, collaboration, and patience can lead to effective educational outcomes. Additionally, the concept of “tuning” and “adjusting” was highlighted to emphasize finding harmony in the teaching and learning process.

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