Projects & Programs

Young Achievement Education Initiative

It was implemented by PalVision in partnership with UNICEF and funded by the Government of the Netherlands, in which it gave the targeted youth the opportunity to express themselves, and develop their capabilities/skills. This was achieved by facilitating youth training sessions focusing on creative thinking, developing effective initiatives to serve their communities, and enabling them to pass on their training experience to groups of adolescents aged 13-16 years.

Youth groups were formed in cooperation with 21 grassroots partner organizations, targeting 400 13-16 year-old adolescents. It worked with the adolescents in 21 locations -Hebron, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Tulkarem, Qalqiliya and Jordan Valley governorates-.

The project primarily aspired to develop the skills of the youth, in order to enable them to play an active role in their societies, in order to implement initiatives that meet the needs of their communities, and to familiarize them with concepts of citizenship, democracy, and civil society. In addition, the project promoted group and voluntary work values, enhanced the youth motivation to lead change on core issues impacting youth, and reflected the needs and aspirations of youth towards a democratic society that they are part of.

During the project cycle, fresh year university students participated in a “Training of Trainers,” to enable them to conduct training sessions on life skills for each group of adolescents. Additionally, the adolescents implemented 4 recreational activities, in Tarqumia, Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Mount of Olives and Tulkarem Refugee Camp, in celebration of the United Nations International Youth Day 2014, which was dedicated to enhance the “Youth and Mental Health.” The most prominent result of the project was the production of 21 initiatives executed by the youth participants. These initiatives were designed to serve their communities, which focused on entrepreneurship, health, environment, tourism, antiquities and education.

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