PalVision Organization has implemented “Build it with colors” campaign in partnership with eleven Jerusalem institutions within “Hirak” project with the support of The EU and in cooperation with the Assistance of the Danish Church “DCA”.
The campaign message is to create more colorful and comfortable views for the Palestinians in Jerusalem in order to change the atmosphere that the Jerusalemites are used to. The visual pollution problem in Jerusalem is not only about the occupation only, but also the Palestinian culture that has been violated by the Israeli occupation polices which made the Palestinians in Jerusalem not able to deal with the city as it belongs to them and to their children after them. That is a result to having the Palestinians denied from the value, right and sense of belonging to the city, spaces, and buildings. Therefore, the importance of this campaign lies in the need to emphasize the Jerusalemites belonging to the city and their resilience by preserving the city and its visual appearance and by treating it as part of every Palestinian house not just a city, but more as a home.
The campaign objectives are summarized in two main objectives:
1- To work towards eliminating the visual pollution in occupied Jerusalem.
2- To improve the general appearance of Jerusalem as a tool to confront the coercive environment imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities.