Yesterday the Palestinian Vision organization concluded a three-years project in the Palestinian towns of Jerusalem, especially those isolated behind the Separation Wall, in order to empower Palestinian youth and NGOs in Jerusalem to enhance their role as actors in the Palestinian community in Jerusalem. In addition to create platform for interaction with the Palestinian stakeholders and the international bodies calling on them to uphold their responsibilities towards the rights of Palestinians in Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Vision Organization carried out a two-phases project in which two 240 young men and women from most of the Palestinian towns in Jerusalem participated in the youth training program. 20 foundations and a youth groups were part of the institutional guidance program which provided support to the Jerusalem organizations in a series of administrative and financial trainings, in addition to a series of workshops in law, and of project development adapted to the needs of communities, and how to respond to them and defend the rights of its members, such as: Future Building Forum, Women’s Center – Silwan, the Palestinian National Theater, Sunflower Association, Sports and Development Association, the African community, Arab Club-Beit Safafa, Mbadron Foundation, Mariam Association, Wajd Voulntary Fourm, and Sonaa Alhayah Almaqdese.
The Organization concluded the project during a press conference in Jerusalem, in the presence of a wide range of Jerusalem journalists, local radio and television satellite channels, with active participation of the young men and women targeted by the project in its two phases, together with representatives of CBOs from Jerusalem, and representatives from the EU which supported the project in partnership with the Danish Church Aid Foundation (DCA).
During the press conference, the organization presented the most important achievements of Hirak project, which was the implementation of five community initiatives implemented by the youth groups in Jerusalem, such as the Oush initiative, the initiative of Mish Ghareb, Joud mn Al-Maowjod, Almni Balamak and 0.9 km initiatives. And Amirha Bloun about the visual pollution in Jerusalem. The organization carried out the open days under the title “Here Jerusalem” in the cities of Jenin and Tulkarem, during which the Holy City was simulated, including its markets and walls for the cities of the West Bank which is denied access to the Jerusalem.
On the results of the conference, the Advocacy Officer at Palestinian Vision Mr. Khalil Issa said that the agreement between the civil society organizations, youth groups and young participants on the necessity of continuing these projects is the cornerstone of the work of the Palestinian Vision Organization in the coming years. In Jerusalem, as confirmed by the representative of the European Union by saying that the European Union seeks to support the Palestinian cause in general and since one third of the Palestinian population are youth we have to focus on promoting work on youth projects in the city of Jerusalem.
The Organization recommended to activate the role of the organizations operating in Jerusalem as incubators for community development and directing their activities and projects to activate the role of the Palestinian youth in Jerusalem to improve the social, economic and cultural reality in the city and to develop a system of institutional work to overcome the obstacles in the Palestinian society in Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Vision Organization Engages in Dialogue with Dr. Enas Attari, Palestinian Minister of Labor, as Part of the “Atad” Project
The Palestinian Vision Organization organized a dialogue session as part of the “Atad” project, funded