Palvision News & Activites

PalVision Implementing the Youth for Resilience Program

PalVision is implementing the Youth for Resilience Program in partnership with the American Friends Service Committee. The program aims to bring together Palestinian youth from various locations, overcoming political and social divisions, and challenging the policies of separation and fragmentation imposed by the Israeli occupation, which have led to the isolation of Palestinians from one another and the violation of their right to freedom of movement.

The group that has been formed meets weekly. During these meetings, the group explores concepts of a unified national identity to confront stereotypes and break both visible and invisible barriers. They are provided with a series of training and workshops that cover intellectual and political topics, including team building and communication, as well as the design, leadership, and implementation of campaigns and initiatives.

The Jerusalem group will collaborate with other groups located in the West Bank, inside the occupied territories, Lebanon, and Jordan to develop and implement community initiatives that address their issues.

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