Projects & Programs


The Palestinian Vision Organization in partnership with StationJ and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation is implementing Bouthour project aimed at employing Palestinian youth and providing them with sustainable job opportunities. This is achieved by enhancing their skills through a series of trainings and skill development initiatives, which will significantly increase their capacity and alignment with the requirements of the Palestinian labor market. 

PalVision provides networking and employment services with the private sector, offering sustainable job opportunities that constitute a fundamental step in their professional lives.

Meanwhile, StationJ is executing a program to support entrepreneurs in Jerusalem by targeting startups and entrepreneurs interested in developing their ideas through training sessions focusing on presentation skills, business management, and marketing. This is followed by enhancing their skills in personal development, business management, marketing, and artificial intelligence supplemented by training that addresses different facets of managing a startup.

Upon completion of the intensive training journey, their ideas are presented to a specialized judging panel, where winners receive financial support, digital marketing packages, and opportunities for international networking trips with various private sector companies.

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