Projects & Programs

Youth for Employment in South Hebron

Youth for Employment in South Hebron is a project that was implemented by PalVision Organization in partnership with Al-Aroub Agricultural School. The project was part of “TVET and Employment Promotion Program” which was implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. It targeted over 45 participants, aged 15-29, from “Area C” including Dura, Yatta, and Al-Dhahiriya in Hebron.

The project aimed to support Vocational Education and Employment in “Area C” through two training phases. The first phase covered life skills and employability skills including leadership, communication, presentation, time management, customer service, marketing, and work ethics. The second phase covered three main themes in the agricultural field: plant production, animal production and food processing. These two phases were designed to prepare the participants in getting enrolled and engaged in the local market and be able to perform more productively at the working places.

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