The National Campaign “Smow” Renouncing Violence and Bullying

publications title

The National Campaign “Smow” Renouncing Violence and Bullying

Publications Description

The campaign aimed at rejecting violence and bullying in the Palestinian society and provide the targeted groups with community skills to deal with these two phenomena to bring necessary new and positive change. The project targets 1800 school students in partnership with the Ministry of Education and 200 students in partnership with 8 community base institutions. PalVision expressed pride in its partnership with the Ministry of Education, UNICEF and The Finnish Government in this vital and important project.

The national campaign “Smow” launched its various activities and events in the Palestinian city centers, in each of Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho, Jerusalem, Nablus, Tulkarm and Qalqilya. A seriese of activities have been implemented which carried out messages that reject violence, bullying and negative attitudes, such as drama performances and distribution of publications and quotes of the campaign, in addition to “Pledge Activity” where the students collected citizens signatures from different Palestinian cites who guaranteed their commitment to renounce violence and bullying in their societies and to adopt positive behaviors such as constructive dialogue and to address violence in all its forms.

The national campaign “Smow” was launched in April 2018 by PalVision Organization in partnership with The Ministry of Education, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and with the support of The Finnish Government as a part of Smow project which was carried out to renounce and reject negative phenomena.

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